Definition of Foramen ovale

1. Noun. An opening in the septum between the right and left atria of the fetal heart ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Foramen ovale

1. The communication between the two atria of the foetal heart. If it remains open (atrial septal defect), then blood will shunt from left to right. (04 Apr 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Foramen Ovale

foramen lateralis ventriculi quarti
foramen magnum
foramen mandibulae
foramen mastoideum
foramen mentale
foramen nutricium
foramen of Arnold
foramen of Key-Retzius
foramen of Luschka
foramen of Monro
foramen of transverse process
foramen of vena cava
foramen omentale
foramen opticum
foramen ovale
foramen ovales
foramen palatinum majus
foramen parietale
foramen petrosum
foramen processus transversi
foramen quadratum
foramen rotundum
foramen sacrale
foramen singulare
foramen sphenopalatinum
foramen spinosum
foramen stylomastoideum
foramen subseptale
foramen supraorbitale

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